DSC106 - Final

A brief glimpse into how some Valorant pros have performed at each of the four LAN events from May 2021 to May 2022. Dataset Description: " This dataset contains the player stats who have been part of Valorant Lan event, which was first organized in May 2021, and still expanding its audience at a noticeable rate, there had been four event, as of May 2022, this dataset have all the essential player stats like his kills in game, deaths, assist, combat score and many more along with the infos like country and team" from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/aadeshmishra/valorant-esports-player-stats-at-lan-till-may-2022

Multiple Boxplots:

Description: This graph is asking which is the best North American team during this time frame. It uses number of kills combined for each team as a measure of skill, with OpTic Gaming as the clear winner.
Color choice: #ff4654 because it is the color Riot Games uses for their Valorant themed pages and logos.
Marks: Line + Points
Channels: Vertical + horizontal Position

Which is the Best North American Team

World Map:

Description: Comparison of each country and the total ACS from their respective players. This graph shows amount of participation from each country too.
Color choice: #ff4654 because it is the color Riot Games uses for their Valorant themed pages and logos. I also wanted to go with black to inidicate higher combat scores because it is visually distinct from the light colored red on the opposite end of this color spectrum.
Marks: Areas (Geographic boundary)
Channels: Color


Description: I wanted to see how each player in this dataset compared to one another in terms of their combat performance and kill count.
Color choice: #ff4654 because it is the color Riot Games uses for their Valorant themed pages and logos.
Marks: Points
Channels: Horizontal + Vertical Position

This graph can zoom and try hovering over a point!

Player ACS vs Kill Count


Description: This graph shows the Average Combat score for each country and how the players from that country compare with one another
Color choice: #ff4654 because it is the color Riot Games uses for their Valorant themed pages and logos.
Marks: Lines
Channels: Vertical Length + Horizontal Position

Each Player's ACS (Per Country)

Stacked Barplot

Description: For each team, how do inidividual players compare with one another? Y-Scale is consistent to allow for comparisons between teams.
Color choice: #ff4654 because it is the color Riot Games uses for their Valorant themed pages and logos. Also chose light blue for assists to reinforce positive connotation and black for death for the opposite. The light red also consistent with other plots to symbolize kills.
Marks: Lines + Areas
Channels: Vertical length and horizontal position + Color

Comparsion of Each Team's Players' ACS